Tuesday 16 May 2017


These are ID numbers. Sort of like national insurance numbers.
As a newcomer to Sweden you have to apply for one of these numbers (and the kids). 

Without a personnumer you can't do important things like open a bank account, register with a doctor, join a gym (let's be honest that's not really like to happen anyway!) Nor, as I discovered this evening, can you set up an online account to top up your jojo card - Helsingborgs equivalent of the Oyster card.

These are great, and we're still discovering how they work exactly. Maisie gets one for travelling to school for free, as will Ned when he reaches 7. I think we've probably overspent a bit on bus journeys, by not fully understanding, but Jim did find a helpful driver who explained things a bit more. 

We also can't apply for loyalty cards without the wretched numbers, so I haven't been able to a Coop store card and my Norwegian one won't work in Sweden (don't understand why, when my IKEA family card works here 😉).

However today they have arrived. Hurrah! There is nothing to stop me now.....or there won't be when I get my ID card..........🙄

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