Wednesday 19 August 2015


We arrived here on Monday, well technically Tuesday, following what was fairly a straight forward journey (if you include the HUGE amount of tourists on the road.....oh wait that's us too and the obligatory search at security) until 10 minutes before the gate number at Gatwick was called. The flight was delayed. Not by much - 20 minutes, but when you consider that the flight would now arrive at 11.50pm and we'd arranged to collect a hire car, it was enough to cause mild concern.
The kids, I think, were quite happy as they finally managed to play the big connect 4 set in the children's area, but Jim and I were getting more tense with each passing moment (well me really. Jim was going to sleep on the plane & I had to stay awake & look after Maisie and Ned, and also had been told to STAY AWAKE on the drive!).
The flight was called, and we boarded and we left about an hour later than scheduled, but the pilot put his foot down, or whatever pilots do, and we arrived half an hour later than planned. Although given the car hire situation it didn't really help matters, so Jim scooted through immigration on his own to get the car rather than waiting for the bags with us.

So 20 minutes later, 4 hold bags gathered, 2 pajama clad children, 3 adults, 7 carry on bags and one plastic carrier bag we were crammed into the hire car and off we set.  Only to fail at the first hurdle! The main road to Trondheim, the E6, was closed. Properly. Barriers across the road, big flashing red lights closed. Stengt.
After a brief few minutes heading along the road in the wrong direction, we turned around and following a short discussion (ahem), we went back to the garage at the airport and obtained directions.  We set off again in the wrong direction, but ended up in the right direction (if you see what I mean). Turns out one of the main tunnels was closed, so we had to go over the top!
The rest of our journey was uneventful, and we finally arrived home at 2.30 Tuesday morning. Shattered, but happy.

The one question remained, why don't Norwegians use diversion signs?

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