Wednesday 12 November 2014

Ine and Hasse

Kath and I often get asked "how our norwegian is?" to which I would always love to reply in some great Norwegian phrase, but sadly my current spoken vocabulary is pretty limited to general conversation set pieces, or asking for food! Of course with the aid of google translate you can pretty much pull off most email conversations (as proven by managing to purchase the house!) but i have  had few woeful moments,  the worst of which was telling Arvid (the lovely man we bought the house from) that i was arriving in the morning (i morgen) at 10.30 which meant tomorrow at 10.30, when I actually meant in the morning at 10.30, but in about 4 weeks time.  Luckily we cleared that mishap up before he left home and embarked on 7 hour drive........oops.

We've got the obligatory Berlitz guides and i even found an 1970's guide called Instant Norwegian!(which was probably one of my better late night ebay purchases) and we've been following the NTNU free online course which is pretty good (but currently on hold due to never having enough time.......note to self,  create a free evening)

The best thing by far though are children's books! Not only can i usually understand them, but i can also read them to Ned and Maisie at bed time so no extra time required. To date we've tackled Krokodille Knut (aimed at very early perfect for me) where I've learnt that when it's windy you fly a kite, and when its sunny you go to the beach :) and by far my favourite is Poka og Mina - Morgenstund which is a great story aimed at slightly older children.......say 4-5 ;) and about a a very sleepy dad and his daughter who tries to wake him up and then promptly nods off when dad is awake and they go out (sound familiar?)   The kids however have been truly represented (literally) in a lovely book called 'Gi Gass Ine'. ( which i think means 'give it some welly Ine! as in go faster!)

It's a beautifully illustrated book, where the story of a little girl called Ine and her younger brother Hasse, is told with amazing collages and is basically Ned and Maisie! The little girl is quite determined to cut down a tree and the young boy is obsessed by tractors. On their journey to the woods they meet a huge array of woodland animals and eventually a big tractor arrives to take them, their newly cut tree and the animals home - beautiful :)  Now if only I could find someone with a tractor who maybe lives in the farm next to ours........hmmmm if only...............

......and what of my witty come backs......well for now I can at least quote that famous crocodile when asked what have i got (Hva had du der).........mange glefsende tenner!

.....many snapping teeth :)

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