Thursday, 8 November 2018

The Wee Bottle

The cry of 'I need a wee!' whilst on a long journey strikes fear into the heart of me!  It is usually announced 30 minutes after the last stop, or 30 minutes before the next one.

We were driving to Norway last spring & were just past the hell that is driving around Gothenburg (they have been building roads and bridges ever since we moved here & it is also chaos), and we were stuck in more roadworks.
With still quite a way to go till our regular scheduled stop, Ned reached breaking point - 'I really, really need a wee! I can't hold it in anymore!' came the wail from the backseat.
We couldn't pull over to the hard shoulder as there was a filter lane on our inside and nowhere else to pullover.

'He'll have to use his water bottle,' said Jim.
WTF? I thought.

So I emptied Ned's water bottle out of the window (we were completely stationary), handed it to Ned, and with a bit of seatbelt loosening and Maisie holding the bottle, he sorted himself out.

That particular bottle now lives in the car and has the words PEE ONLY written on it, you know just in case we forget!

Which brings me to our last trip.  This next bit is from a message I sent my mum whilst we were driving home.

So we're on our way home & it's been quite eventful!

1. We nearly collided with a herd of reindeers who were licking the salt off the road.

2. Jim skidded on a massive patch of black ice and we nearly finished up in the ditch.

3. We still had to dodge NATO troops on exercise.

4. Driving in thick fog.

5. When stopped for wee break / changing drivers, Jim, during a contretemps with Ned, split the entire contents of a water bottle all over the passenger seat which he then had to sit on for the next 4 hours, and we decided not to put on the heated seat in case the electrics went!

6.  There was, as usual, roadworks at one of the tunnels in Oslo. We were stuck in the tunnel for AN HOUR!!  The tunnel is only 3km long

7. Due to the extra journey time, Ned was literally bursting by the time we reached our schedules stop.
He made it.

8.  However his second emergency wee required the emergency pee bottle.
Which he missed.  He did not, however, miss me, Maisie, his leg and the floor of the car.

9. Jim is now quite cross.

10. We are still well over an hour away from home.

Thankfully we made it home without further ado.

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