Sunday, 25 December 2016

The start of something new

Merry Christmas / God Jul my Nordic Snø friends and chums :)..... (said in a Antoine de Caunes voice)

It's time for  a new blog post (cue the fanfare) and a slight change in blog title for 2017.

As our Norwegian adventure continues, this year has been slightly busy to say the least, and hence the slight slackness in blogging. For those eagle eyed you will note we are still having our Norway adventure, but have decided to take a slight detour via their/our favourite blue and yellow neighbours.

2017 is the year we finally depart England and head north on a full time basis! Why not Norway I hear you ask?   ...................Well I've landed a job in Sweden and we've decided to start our full time life up north in southern Sweden. I will be working for the people who we spend most of our time shopping with when in Norway! Thats right - IKEA.

Whilst we could change the blog title to maybe 'Adventures in meatballs', 'Allen key adventure' or possible 'Flat pack adventurer' our original Nordic Snø idea of a family adventure is still now even more true then ever, and the farm and barns in Norway live on and continue to be developed and we are still hopeful that we'll start welcoming more visitors. In the words of our 8 year old when she was asked if we should move to Sweden 'we've had lots of adventures of Norway daddy, why don't we start to have some in Sweden as well'..........ok! only need to tell me once.

So Happy New Year and lets hope 2017 continues to be full of adventure in both Norway and Sweden.

Apparently it's ok in Sweden to walk down the street in your dressing gown......

.......ah I see! they were going swimming!

btw. below is a post I wrote when I told my fellow directors and business owners I was leaving and at the time I didn't have a new job to go to.....funny how life turns out sometimes! Excuse the slightly more than usual train of thought ramblings.

(Wednesday 27th July 2016) It's 7.00 in the morning and I've been up since 5.30. The brown terracotta tiles of the waiting room floor provide a great surface for the very loud tapping of the business ladies shoes who's just hustled in looking rather stressed and clutching a very large coffee...'..maybe she should drink less coffee.....or quit her job and move abroad......Whilst I'm sat here looking relatively relaxed waiting for the train to birmingham, the honest truth is that my heart and head are jumping all over the place! 

And the reason? Well last week I handed my notice in (loud fanfare) and since then have agreed a timetable for leaving and methodology for selling my third of the business. So the road map, on which we started has passed a pretty critical stage! But why are you not full of excitement and happiness I hear you ask.  Well the honest answer is that I am! But the chimp on my shoulder is now tearing me apart saying what have you done (queue internal loud screaming). You see whilst we've pondered, planned and mused this scenario for quite some time, it's now finally here!* 

Having never had a run of unemployment or full time education in 43 years, the step, whilst exciting, is also making me feel a little nauseous to be honest! 

As one chapter comes to a very rapidly approaching end (about the same time as we could have a baby in and we all know how quick that happens....(btw I'm talking pregnancy, not conception ;) ) a new one starts to unfold. Albeit the new chapter is not fully planned out or written. 4 years ago when the olympics were held in London there were some often bleak times in our household, however, as a family we rose above those and got to where we are today.....and whilst I know/hope the nausea will pass I'm hoping it will be before the next olympics hit in 2020! 

Now,  on with the new chapter! 

*However, unlike Boris and Nigel we intend to see it through

Some pictures of the waterfront at Helsinborg, Southern Sweden to keep you interested...... there is surf nearby (or so the internet tells me!)

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Hvor bor du?

Kath very kindly bought me a book recently about how to right the best blog and make a living from you can tell so far I haven't had time to read it yet.....but hang on in there as the next 6 months are likely to be quite fun for us and anyone who is actually still following what we get up to! :)

We've just returned from our October half term trip and we are officially 2 years old (Gratulerer med dagen to us!). I can't believe it was 2 years ago that Maisie and I travelled to Norway, did the worlds largest shop in Ikea, Bilteema and Clas Ohslon and then tried occupying a house which hadn't been lived in for 30 years before the second wave of Ned and Kath joined us a few days later. On that initial visit there were 2 pieces of good fortune.....the first was that we hadn't been conned by some swindling major money scandal and we had actually bought a house and the key to it was really in the jar in the woodshed and secondly it didn't snow!

The first is that within 2 years, we now have running water (including hot water) thanks to our neighbour Kjetil, electricity thanks to Jan, the house now stands up straight again (thanks to Jon and his team (and some help from Mr B) and we now have some new triple glazed windows, an insulated roof, some bedrooms (thanks to Magnus and his crew), our neighbours and new friends in Ålen and Trondheim (you know who you are ;) ) for making us feel welcome and providing wood so we don't freeze to death and more importantly a home thanks to my crazy family. 

The crazies....

When we actually get to call it home will be for discussion (and the subject of some later posts i'm sure) but for now, at least, it is our little retreat from the UK and the hustle an bustle of city life.....oh hang on.... we live in rural north Devon....well retreat from the all the tourists.........oh hang.....its now winter and we are back to normal again! 

In perfect harmony
The second is that when we got the house for the first time, Maisie and I actually had lunch outside on the verandah.....well this time it was snowing! and for an English family from the south it felt like it was proper snowing! I do think however that for our neighbours it was just a shower and a probably just an inconvenience.....but whatever it was snowing!

The upshot of this was beautiful snowy mountains (until it melted on the lower slopes), our little beach and lake was frozen, and the edges of the higher mountain lakes were just starting to freeze over and as usual it feels a million miles from 'normal' life , whatever 'normal' life is!

Hessjøen just freezing at the edges

So we often get asked "where is your house / or where do you live (Hvor bor du?) so in true style, and with the aid of modern CGI techniques here's Kath explaining to grandpa roughly where things are. Speak soon - Vi Snakkes

FFS it's over there.......!!

Friday, 9 September 2016

Life's a beach

Our summer trip is now finished and we are back to the usual routine of school, work and making lists of things to sort out!

Our Norwegian summer was brief, but pretty amazing and enhanced by exploring some areas and places we haven't ventured to before and making some great new discoveries.

Having grown up by the sea, the lack of sand in our vicinity is always quite disturbing, (but for others who shall remain nameless and don't appreciate the feel of it between your toes or in your picnic) are less keen. As I mentioned in an earlier post we are due to start work on the barn conversion later in the year and prior to travelling we did a few bits of research on nearby properties, what available and prices. One of the nearby places, had some great photos of the cabin but also a shot of the beach in Haltdalen! I'm sorry......what!  The beach had golden sand, crystal clear water and back drop of mountains!

So from a photo and and what we thought could be a place name, we googled earth and consulted the map. There were 3 possible places in the vicinity, one of which was just off the main road, so we thought we would start there first.

On our first day we decided to find the beach and after looping back on ourselves and stopping along at a few different places we found a small right turning off the main road. 

How can you not find this place!!!

Driving the hire car down a dirt track we came to a clearing (with one other car in) parked up and proceeded on foot! The anticipation for me was building, but for  Ned it was just too much (he shares my love of sand and water) off he shot, squealing his head off, topped the ridge ) and there it was. An oasis in the middle of nowhere, not signposted from the main road, with free parking, a composting loo and rubbish bins which are kept are empty (see previous rants about our local beaches in the UK)

Ned's ability to immerse himself in any water he comes across was not lost on this particular day.  Despite rolling his shorts up he was soon quite wet, with me yelling 'noooooooooo' was at this point I noticed another family with 2 children looking slightly alarmed at Ned's efforts and my ignored bellowing fatherly instructions across the golden sand.

I needn't have feared though, as the gentleman in question proceed to strike up a conversation with us (it didn't take long for to him to realise we were english....we are very noisy!) ....and he was equally surprised that we lived nearby and it turned out his brother law (who had a cabin nearby) was British. We had a great chat for about 20 minutes about various things and then he asked if he could take our number so his brother law could maybe get in touch and say hi!

Now...... this is the point where your Englishness kicks in and you immediately think -"I'm not giving you my number you could be a murderer, con man or about to abduct my children....(maybe not a bad thing some times, although I'm sure they would be returned very quickly). After swallowing my English paranoia of strangers......after all this is Norway and people are still trustworthy and honest we handed over our number, said farewell and departed happy with our new discovery, vowing to return and then promptly stripped Ned of his sopping clothing so he didn't soil the hire car any further.

Fast forward 24 hours and imagine my surprise when Kath said we had a call from said brother in law, and an invite to their cabin for waffles and coffee. We met our hosts at their beautiful cabin near Glåmos which was beautifully set with a wonderful view thought the tress. The kids snaffled most of the waffles (the best piece of advice was given about waffle makers...........will share next time....there's a whole post coming on waffles), they were lovely hosts who gave us great advice and we arranged to give them a guided tour of our 'småbruk'' a few days later. 

More to come on waffles!

They also showed us around their adjacent family home (which belonged to the brother we met at the lake!) and was a beautiful timber house with blue shutters set in a tranquil lawn and worthy of the cover of Norske Hjem magazine.

So our trip to the beach was more fruitful then we ever thought and I can now rest easy that the beach is within short distance.......roll on more crunchy sandwiches, sandy toes and friendly chance encounters. 

Saturday, 18 June 2016

Eurovision baby!

I love Eurovision. Unashamedly and only with a little bit of irony. Most years I watch the TV coverage and laugh loudly at Terry Wogan, and most recently Graham Norton's commentary.  Most years.  The last 2 have been different.

Rewind to May last year and we were camping at Thruxton race course. It was my birthday. We were listening to the radio commentary instead (not as good) and I made a random comment to Jim that the Swedish entrant was the favourite. He argued with me a bit, but given that I am a Eurovision nerd he gave up swiftly. So we made a bet. If Sweden won with Hereos by Måns Zelmerlöw Jim would take me to Sweden this year for my 40th birthday.

Måns won. Stockholm won the right to be the host city for this year.

I can hear you asking 'Did Jim honour our bet'?

I'll let you be the judge on that!

Friday, 17 June 2016

We have a plan......

Traditionally friday afternoons should be about a round of golf, a drink in the pub with work colleagues, networking with contacts.......well in fairness  i don't play golf, never drink with the office and networking....well that seems to mostly happen on twitter and Facebook nowadays! ......or there is the blog!

I/we haven't cranked out a blog post for a few months, not because we don't want to, but a tweet or a Facebook share sometimes to reflect what you want to say is just so much easier and quicker! Anyhow, i don't  believe the blog is dead, but Friday afternoons seem a good blog time! which, whilst I mention it, if you love Norwegian things and the joy of Norway then follow the Norway Times blog on here or their twitter/facebook feeds - It's written by a lady called Gill, who I have no idea who she is (hello if you reading that's a test!) , but i do know one thing, is that she pretty much nails some of our own experiences on life in norway! drop in and check it out.

Now, back to the plot......"there is a plot?" I hear you say, there surely is.......

I'm back from a father /son weekend away at the house, where I assumed the role of son for a change, albeit when my dad  accidently left a few things behind at security on the table before heading through the scanner and then apparently got locked in a toilet at the airport on the way home, it felt like I was being the dad again (in an eye rolling way)....... (i know my dad reads this hi dad  and happy fathers day for sunday :) ) .

A photo taken from our trip to the lake at Øyungen

We visited because major works on the house are now pretty much now complete. We have water, drainage, electrics, a new roof, repaired foundations, a bathroom, bedrooms and a kitchen and rather excitingly some new windows! Now these aren't just any old new windows, but beautifully made triple glazed traditional windows made in Røros (from Røros vindu og dører) which were fitted by the gents at Bergstadden Bygg and look fantastic. But more importantly (and don't laugh) .....they actually open! Which is a big thing for our little house which has had sealed windows for who nows how long!

The master bedroom nearing completion;

The conservationist in me was quite against the idea of replacement windows and I have become a bit of geek on window repair and restoration over the last few months, buying a few books, looking at some new tools (always need new tools  for a new job right? or is that just a man thing.....a bit like always needing new shoes........; ) ) I even asked the builder to keep the old windows for when I get time to try and repair the others that are left.......we have 20 windows on our house, so it might be some time! ( albeit one of my favourite houses on the drive from Trondheim to Ålen has about 50 windows on so i'm quite glad i could never afford that house!)

We were also really pleased to be successful with our application to obtain a grant from the Norwegian culture fund for emergency works to repair the large barn. This included roof repairs and removal of the loose foundation stones and propping of the corners, where the large boulders have been removed. It's great that the country is actively seeking to promote the preservation of their built culture and realise it's importance. Our house and the large barn are on the Sefrak register for buildings of historical value, and whilst our little barn isn't, it forms part of the traditional 'Trondelag' layout of the central farm house with 2 barns perpendicular forming an open courtyard.

I'm glad I wasn't on the roof doing the repairs!

So with our efforts at easter and my dads help at the weekend, we now have a master ensuite bedroom almost ready for occupation and possible letting for guests in the future ;) and more excitingly and the reason we haven't blogged or done much else recently since easter, is that we  have pretty much bottomed out the design (and costs) for the conversion of our little barn to a hytte. We are super stoked that this looks like it will get off the ground towards the end of this year and be ready for use in 2017, because it means we then not only have the house for use, but quality accommodation in a fantastic location (on the side of our little bit of mountain) to  rent out for guests in Norway. So hopefully in 2017 will be Vilkommen til Nordic Snø for anyone who wants to experience this place also!  Watch this space............

The little barn in summer & winter;

Sunday, 1 May 2016

Going on a bear hunt

We are 3 weeks back from our easter trip and amongst the usual DIY, yelling at the children and travelling malarky, there were some pretty exciting goings on going on...........well for us anyway!

It was a close call as to what constituted the major high point (when in fairness there has been so many).......but aside from buying and installing a new washing machine and a tumble dryer (even I was little excited to be able to wash some clothes whilst on holiday.....and the tumble dryer has a light inside which lights up your washing when  you open the more lost socks....i really need to get out more...) we finally managed to hike up the mountain at the back of the house.

It was probably our fourth attempt to actually get up the mountain after many failed episodes;

Aborted attempt 1 - Ned was scared of the forest as there might be unfriendly trolls/the Gruffalo might be lurking.

No.2 - the above still applied + there were too many ants and the mountain was steep...he has yet to grasp the concept of a mountain.

No.3 - All of the above plus the resident cows were particular menacing and decided to chase me, who was chasing Ned, after Grandpa told us specifcially  not to run in a field of cows.....I was however impressed that my arm waving a yelling stopped the stampeding herd!

So attempt 4 it was.

We finally assembled the troops at about 10.30 on a Sunday morning after a good brunch of pancakes, bacon and maple syrup and Kath prepared her first ever batch of Norwegian dough for some bread making on our return (more on that another time ;).

It was a beautiful sunny day without a cloud in the sky, we made up a ruck sack of some  hot chocolate, sweeties and of course a couple of Kvikk Lunsj's for the adults we're still Maisie they are made with beer and not suitable for children. Fully suited and booted, we set off on our bear hunt.

The start of the hike was out the back of our house, past the neighbours and into the tree line and about as far as we had got previously.

The going was pretty steep, but the snow underfoot was quite easy going. On previous excursions, we have always had trouble finding the route, but this time I had done a bit of a pre trip reckie the night before and we quickly found and then followed a snowmobile ("don't call it a skidoo as thats a brand name...."...i  was once told off  in Norway for calling it a skidoo!)  trail.

We were soon stripping off layers as we climbed higher and higher and up through the trees. Ned managed to forget about the trolls, there was no sign of the gruffalo,  and despite the moaning form the kids they seemed to forget about how steep it was!

After about 40 minutes, the tree line started to break and eventually we started to head onto the mountain plateau. The snow mobile trail eventually finished and we came across the snow mobile happily parked unattended with a cross country ski trail leading from it further up the mountain. It's always hard growing up in the UK trying to imagine leaving things lying around unattended without someone taking off with them!        ...... Welcome to Norway :)

When we broke out of the tree line we of course had to stop for snack.....well it had been at least 10 minutes since the kids had eaten something and there is only so much you can take of ......can i have a snack!

Whilst the kids were feeding I headed up further and then persuaded them they should definitely make the effort for the last 10 minutes. We headed up to follow the winter trail marker posts and just took in the beauty of the plateau and the 3 summits which led off. Sadly these weren't reached for this trip but we had finally made it - to the top of our mountain.

... and how did we get back down..... well after making some quick snow angels, having another snack and staring open mouthed at how beautiful this place is.....when your come to Norway, you realise you do that a lot!......we did the only thing any sensible family in our situation could do...zipped up our jackets and snow suits and slid down on our bottoms! - that's right 45 minutes up and less than 20 back down.....oh and despite billing it to the kids as 'going on a bear hunt'....not  a single bear in sight......we'll have to save that for another trip ;)

Sunday, 17 April 2016

...never a dull day ticking away..

The second Christmas Jim & I were together (back in the mid nineties!) he made me a clock. It was beautiful & moved home with me regularly (I was a student). On it was written lyrics from a Pink Floyd song 'Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day'. We were living apart, and I think the words were meant to comfort me......

It was repaired regularly as it was made of perspex & was often damaged in transit. However one day it was deemed beyond repair.

I have specific ideas on what I want in this house and my kitchen is in dire need of a clock! I searched for ages, only finding a Danish clock which satisfied my criteria. Except, as is the case with many things I covet, it was widely expensive and so the search continued.

This Christmas, my search was over as Jim made me another clock.  It is made from driftwood we've collected as a family & a heart shaped pebble I found on a beach. It is beautiful. 

And as I sit here (when i wrote this post a little while back), by the log burner writing, the delicate tick tock-ing is no longer ticking away moments that make up a dull day, but is now inscribed "never a dull day ticking away".... and with 2 kids, 2 houses, in 2 countries and far too much to words were  ever more truly spoken!

Monday, 11 April 2016


This one's a bit off topic, and I apologise for it, but it sort of ties in.
For those of you who don't know us very well, Ned, our son, is dairy and soya intolerant. He was diagnosed when he was 10 months old, and at first it was a steep learning curve for us, but then a load of internet research, a dash of common sense, a pinch of my mum's wisdom and a Swedish company called Oatly, it got easier.

Oatly make oat milk, which Ned could have (this isn't the time or place to go into it all; I'll save that for a special occasion!), and it meant that I could substitute this, along with a sunflower oil based spread, into baking and cooking (my other, other life). 

I discovered through the the Oatly website that they don't just make oat milk. Oh no, they make vanilla sauce (sort of custard), cream for coffee, chocolate oat milk, yogurt, and ice cream.  But hardly any of that is sold in Devon, if in the UK at all.

So imagine our complete and utter joy at finding one of the local supermarkets here sells chocolate milk, and the vanilla sauce.  One happy little boy.

Then imagine that you find the ice cream, bear in mind that Ned normally has sorbet or an ice lolly, and imagine that you find a Norwegian version of chocolate monster crackling topping that is also dairy free (although I shudder to think what it does contain!)

This is what you get.......

One extremely happy little boy.

Now if they only made cheese........

Thursday, 3 March 2016

Banker på døren.....

It's 7.45 in the morning and I'm tucking into my healthy commuter breakfast of a Kit Kat en route to Birmingham. Whilst the other commuters are clutching large coffee cups and eating healthy nutritious snacks containing some kind of super fruit or nutritious fibre nut combo, The semi melted Kit Kat has strangely hit the spot, albeit under much disgust from the adjacent passenger (the super fruit consumer).

One of things I often do on this journey (aside from eating melted chocolate products for breakfast) is attempt to read the Norwegian newspapers. There's a very handy app which has norwegian radio stations and papers all for free. 

Partaking in this on the train has 2 benefits;

1. You can concentrate because it's quiet (mostly, with the exception of the early morning enthusiastic talkers, who are sat right next to each other ! YOU DO NOT NEED TO SHOUT TO EACH OTHER or the yes it's Caroline and I'm on the train.... Well get this if you're on the train and on your phone, it works by radio wave type things And isn't connected to the person you are talking to by a piece of string and a yogurt pot. Caroline in the seat behind take note ....I will hand her the link to the blog when I get out)

2. It makes the person sat next to you think you are foreign or intellectual or both....(I am neither) but it does take the heat of the fact you have just woken up, have a creased face and are eating chocolate for breakfast.

Anyway, the point is usual there is a point ....that it's a good time to try and learn a bit of norwegian. Now, papers are good because they come with pictures. So like Ned, who is currently learning the life of Biff, Kipper and Chip and their adventures of flipping pancakes or going to the zoo by simple words and then looking at the pictures, I am currently doing the same; only the part of Kipper is played by Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton is rocking Biff and I think the Norwegians are as scathing of him as the Brits and sensible Americans ( or the sake of alienating the American reader I'll resist the temptation to ask the question - can those 2 words be put together ....) . ( oh did I? ....well I didn't mean to ;) )

So I'm getting the gist of the story. Kipper is basically doing well despite being a bigoted racist nut job and Biff is holding the centre ground and challenging the fact that Kipper knows what the hell he is talking about. As far as I can work out no one has yet been to the zoo and the pancakes aren't good....

So I read a post blog yesterday by a Canadian expat called Jill which hit the nail on the head regarding our Norwegian communication skills which referred to having the vocabulary and communication skills of a toddler when speaking in Norwegian....and to be honest despite almost 4 years of on off learning it's not progressed well (refer back to the bag / sausage incident last summer).

In true toddler form I'm currently reading the kids Rødhette og Ulven, which of course is the tale of Red Riding Hood. 

Whilst I have failed endlessly to try and communicate with the builders, plumber, and electricians in Norwegian because their English is always so good (despite them saying otherwise!) I did manage to at least make reference to døren as in banker på døren (knock on the door) as the guys have done a beautiful job being able to reuse some of the original old doors I found in the barn for the new openings into the bedrooms and ensuite. They have been set into new door frames and reworked into new doorsets by a local factory in the village who undertake bespoke joinery work.

Now if you'll excuse me about read and see if Super Tuesday is similar to shrove Tuesday and what type of pancake Kipper has rustled up. 

Sunday, 14 February 2016

Moving forward

So last weekend we got away for a planned quick break without the children under the guise of  coming to check on the building works - of course we also planned some fun things to do!

However, before some sneaky skiing,  there was the slight issue of putting up curtain poles, hanging the curtains and generally making the kids rooms feel a bit more homely and less like a shoe making workshop before our next family trip at Easter. (For those who join us from new, the  2 main rooms of the upper floor of the house, we think, were solely (pardon the pun) used for making shoes and weaving work and for drying leather and dyed fabric. This is due to the fact that all of the paraphernalia from 2 looms, drying racks, vices, work benches etc were still all in place prior to us subdividing one of the spaces into a more manageable size!)

Our flight was delayed and we were an hour late arriving in Trondheim, so we stumbled to the hotel and fell into bed - just remembering to set the alarm.

A leisurely shower, to make the most of the hotel facilities as we don't have running water at the house, a quick breakfast, hire car collected and we were off to our second home in Norway - IKEA.

IKEA is so much better without children, although I (Kath) was suffering from a distinct lack of caffeine, so was a little bit grumpy. Bathroom bits, laundry room bits and 12 curtains poles later; a very heavily laden down hire car hit the road.

The day was beautiful - snow covered trees, frozen icicles at the side of the road, snow covered rivers and this sort of blue light, it was lovely to be coming back without the kids.  Although just to make sure we didn't miss them too much I did occasionally ask 'Are we nearly there yet?', 'Can I have a snack?' and other gems our kids say. It was the same weekend last year when Jim and his dad arrived into the middle of a huge arctic storm which brought excessive snowfall, closed roads (almost unheard over here and resulted in being rescued from the road outside the house by a friendly neighbour - who is now our plumber - takk Kjetil!)

We arrived at the house to discover 2 of the building team just packing up, Mads and Einar, and insulation carefully packed into the kitchen & bathroom windows. Prior to travelling Jim had emailed Magnus to see how the work was coming on and despite an answer still had no idea of what we expected to find.....(the message got slightly lost in translation!) When we arrived to see the builders packing up, Jim asked if they had finished for the day and they happily replied "no we are finished!" which was quickly then followed by the ultimate question! "Have we got water?" ........".yes " came the reply, "you just turn it on here!"

Well to say we were both happy was understatement of the year and even better still, not only did we have running water but also a fully plumbed in kitchen and finished (bar the accessories) bathroom! 

I don't think we stopped smiling! I (Kath - Lol) very nearly kissed them both.  So we have a boiler, hot and cold running water, kitchen and bathroom sinks plumbed in, a flushing loo and a shower! Those who have followed (well, put up with) our freezing barn pooing experiences will now be delighted that we no longer have to endure sub zero backdrafts and can (like normal people) enjoy a warm seat.......ah bliss... (although I think Jim will secretly miss it and the kids never disturb you when you are in the barn).

Despite ensuring that we skied saturday afternoon finally enjoying our local ski slopes (just 2 km away) we managed to clean out the kids rooms, hang the curtains and poles, lampshades as well as hang the curtains and blinds down stairs, assemble a coffee table, kitchen unit and utility room sink......phew....its beginning to feel like a house and not a hut at last.

So here are some pictures taken inside of the bathroom (not great photos but at least show some progress!) snakkes!........

Friday, 12 February 2016

Stick man.....

Best job ever?

Driving along the snowy road to our house, we noticed flashing lights up ahead so we slowed down, not really being sure what they were for and given that Norway has quite strict (and expensive) traffic laws we erred on the side of caution.

However, we hadn't committed some expensive traffic violation it was just the man who knocks snow off the road signs!

There are 2 men; one drives and the other leans out the window with a brush on a big stick, and knocks the snow off.

Jim wants that job..........

Surely the best job?