It's funny really, that after two and half years our journey is yet again reduced to sitting around waiting. Now I could get all grumpy all about it but instead have found 2 positives;
1 it's time to sit and do nothing and when was the last time either of us got to do that.
2. I get to write a much needed blog post!
So today we move house......only within the uk.....but it's still a massive step forward.
We've sold our biggish house to release a load of capital so we can now go shopping in Norway. The plan being we can then hopefully rent our new uk place out whilst we start things up over there and then it gives us a bit of a safety net against rising uk house prices and a base if things go pear shaped........ You know ......prepare for the worst, hope for the best!
We've come out of a 4 bed 2 living room place and are moving into a 2 bed terrace. And here is where the problems now start. Having had the week from hell on the house selling front, we finally exchanged today and I'm now sat in braunton car park waiting to compete.
With the week from hell almost over this actually seems strangely relaxing. Sat around in the sun, listening to the skate boarders and gulls I feel a great sense of calm. Now I can't work out if it's because I've gone past caring and am cream crackered or if it's actually because we are on our way! Either way I know it's going to need lots more hard work but I also still have faith that it will happen and good things come to those who wait..... ........ Hopefully......... Eventually day.