Sunday, 29 December 2013

Cold feet.

So Christmas is done and we're in the strange lull up to new year.  I've been running the dogs a lot over the last week which has been good and cold! Last night racked up about 10 miles and couldn't feel my feet by the end of it. Note to self, thicker socks required for Norway!

I've been feeling a bit down about the adventure over the last week as it's taking an Age for everything to sort itself out. 

We sold the house ...  Yay.

We didn't sell the house .... Boo

There was a bit of panic to say the least when we got our buyer, with a sudden realisation that things were happening were happening and then when his sale fell through it went very flat and to be honest difficult to get remotivated.

However after last nights dog run and my morning hike up the hill with Bear ( we're babysitting Bear) to watch the sun rise I feel strangely optimistic ...   So much so I'm going to share our battle plans.  So here it is.

Surf spots, ski areas, houses we've looked at, houses we can afford and like .....

Let the invasion commence........... Just once I've found my socks....